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Illegal Gambling California Penal Code


The California Penal Code forms the basis for the application of criminal law in the state of California. The code numbers have been adopted by police departments in California for use as radio dispatch codes to describe law enforcement situations.

) Illegal Gambling Devices California's gambling device statutes are broad in their coverage and prohibit any person from owning, renting, or possessing illegal gambling devices. §§ 330a, 330b, 330.1.) An illegal gambling device has three features: It is a machine, apparatus, or device (coin operation is not required); 2. California’s gambling device statutes are broad in their coverage and prohibit any person from owning, renting, or possessing illegal gambling devices. (Penal Code, §§ 330a, 330b, 330.1.) An illegal gambling device has three features: 1.

148Resisting / Obstructing a police officer
187Homicide (Murder)
207aKidnapping attempt
211Armed robbery
211aRobbery alarm
211sRobbery alarm, silent
217Assault with intent to murder
240Assault - Misdemeanor
243Assault on police officer
245Assault with a deadly weapon (ADW)
246Shooting at inhabited dwelling
261aAttempted rape
273Assault on person
273aChild neglect
273dWife beating - felony
280Child abduction
288Lewd conduct / Felony sex offense
311Loud and obscene
314Indecent exposure
374bIllegal dumping
390cDrunk - in vehicle
390dDrunk - unconscious
407Unlawful Assembly
415Disturbing the peace / Mutual combat
415bDisturbance - Investigate the trouble
415cDisturbance - Children involved
415dDisturbance - Drunk involved
415eDisturbance - Loud music or party
415fDisturbance - Family
415gDisturbance - Gang
417Person with a gun / Brandishing a firearm
417aPerson with a knife
420Obstructing entry on public land
422Criminal threats
459aBurglar alarm
459sBurglar alarm, silent
464Burglary with Explosives
480Hit and run - Felony
481Hit and run - Misdemeanor
484Theft / Larceny
484fFraudulent use of credit card(s)
487Grand theft
487.2Purse snatch
488Petty theft
496Receiving stolen property
502Drunk driving - Misdemeanor
503Auto theft
504Tampering with a vehicle
505Reckless driving
507Public nuisance
510Speeding or racing vehicles
537Defrauding Innkeeper
586Illegal parking
586eVehicle blocking Driveway
594Malicious mischief / Vandalism
595Runaway car
597Animal cruelty
602.5Entry without consent
603Unlawful entry
604Throwing missiles
647Lewd conduct / Vagrancy
647aVagrant loitering in public place
647dLoitering in restroom
647eLoitering place to place
647fPublic intoxication
647ffDrunk - en route to detox
647hIllegal lodging
653mThreatening phone calls
664Attempted murder
666Petty theft with a prior
966Drug deal
  • Gambling, whether it's horse-racing or slot machines, is regulated at the state level. In California, some - but not all - types of gambling are illegal. More specifically, dealing, playing, or conducting the following games is illegal.
  • Illegal Gaming or Gambling in California California Penal Code Section 330 It is illegal to be a dealer in a game that is not sanctioned for gambling. The illegality comes in when someone is collecting money as people gamble similar to how Vegas does it and the various other casinos even throughout Los Angeles County.

Illegal Gambling California Penal Code Penal

CA Penal Code § 330.7 (2017)

(a) It shall be a defense to any prosecution under this chapter relating to slot machines, as defined in subdivision (d) of Section 330b, if the defendant shows that the slot machine is an antique slot machine and was not operated for gambling purposes while in the defendant’s possession. For the purposes of this section, the term “antique slot machine” means a slot machine that is over 25 years of age.

(b) Notwithstanding Section 335a, whenever the defense provided by subdivision (a) is offered, no slot machine seized from a defendant shall be destroyed or otherwise altered until after a final court determination that the defense is not applicable. If the defense is applicable, the machine shall be returned pursuant to provisions of law providing for the return of property.

Illegal Gambling California Penal Code 12022

(c) It is the purpose of this section to protect the collection and restoration of antique slot machines not presently utilized for gambling purposes because of their aesthetic interest and importance in California history.


(Amended by Stats. 2004, Ch. 183, Sec. 268. Effective January 1, 2005.)

California Penal Code List

Last modified: October 25, 2018