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Roulette Strategy Chart


Easy Roulette Reference Chart - Download this FREE PDF for an easy reference and guide to roulette bets, odds and payouts for different tables. Keywords roulette, roulette chart, roulette bets. Title: Ultimate-European-Roulette-Strategy-Chart Created Date: 1/20/2020 4:06:44 PM.

Our advanced roulette strategy is good for experienced players, who have played the game a lot and who know the game well. This can be a very effective system for everybody who can afford to use it. It is carried out on European roulette only because it provides you with better winning chances. Its disadvantage is that it requires a big deposit which is needed so that you can safe longer in case of a bad luck streak.

Practically, our advanced roulette system is similar to the intermediate strategy, however, here you bet on 7 numbers, which raises the the chance for you to win a spin to 18.93%. The stakes are more dynamic, higher and the winnings are also bigger, respectively. In order to carry out this system, in the most effective way possible, you need to have $3430 in your balance because this way you will be able to cope with a bad luck sequence of up to 20 spins of the roulette wheel, each with 18.93% chance for you to win. Our advanced strategy may be also carried out with a much smaller deposit amount – $430, however, with such a balance, you will be able to hold for up to 12 unlucky spins of the wheel. You may also start carrying out the advanced system with a balance of $1204, which will be enough for up to 16 bad luck spins.

Here is how the advanced roulette strategy is carried out. You choose seven numbers, which you think that will be lucky for you and bet $1 on each of them ($7 in all). You click spin and wait for a number to come out. If the number that came out is one of the seven numbers you have chosen, you win and repeat the same bet on the same seven numbers. You continue doing this every time you win. In case you lose, however, you need to continue to bet according to the chart we have made for you below:


Let’s say, we have chosen the following roulette numbers: 1, 6, 8, 16, 23, 28, 35.

SPIN 1: We bet $7 on the chosen numbers ($1 each). The ball lands on 0, so we lose.
SPIN 2: We bet $7 on the chosen numbers ($1 each). The ball lands on 30, so we lose.
SPIN 3: We bet $7 on the chosen numbers ($1 each). The ball lands on 3, so we lose.
SPIN 4: We bet $7 on the chosen numbers ($1 each). The ball lands on 10, so we lose.
SPIN 5: We bet $21 on the chosen numbers ($3 each). The ball lands on 25, so we lose.
SPIN 6: We bet $21 on the chosen numbers ($3 each). The ball lands on 36, so we lose.
SPIN 7: We bet $35 on the chosen numbers ($5 each). The ball lands on 23, so we win.

As you can see from the example above, we determine our bets according to the chart below. You may notice that we raise the bet on each number after a certain amount of unlucky roulette spins, according to our calculations. We do this because this way, when we reach our lucky spin and win, we will have everything we have lost till that moment back plus profit, which you can see in the chart below. The profit is different and it depends on the SPIN № on which, one of your numbers will come out and you will win.

If you deposit $420, you will be able to stay in the game for up to 12 unlucky spins.

If you deposit $1204, you will be able to stay in the game for up to 16 unlucky spins.

If you deposit $3430, you will be able to stay in the game for up to 20 unlucky spins. Our advanced roulette strategy can be amazingly effective when it is carried out with $3430 deposit because you will be able to cope with up to 20 unlucky spins and after all you will be able come out with a profit of $170.

Read more useful information and all our roulette strategies by visiting our roulette section.

Roulette Strategies That Work

The information on this website may not be accurate and our gambling materials do NOT promise or guarantee winnings in any way. Use the information on this website at your own risk. Gambling with real money poses a great risk and everyone must do it wisely, under his own responsibility and will.

Roulette is a negative expectation game. On the American double zero wheel, the house has a 5.26 edge, and there is no betting strategy or system that can change the house edge. If you see any advertisements for a system that claims to beat the game of Roulette, don’t waste your money. These claims are false. Over the years some of the greatest minds in history have tried to devise a system to beat the game.

Albert Einstein studied the problem of how to beat the game of Roulette. After spending time on the problem he concluded that it could not be done and he was quoted as saying, 'The only way to beat Roulette is to steal the money when the dealer's not looking.' In a sense, he was correct. His point was that there is no way to employ some mathematical configuration of bets to overcome the house edge.

Roulette Betting Patterns

Although there is no strategy for beating the game, many players like to employ a set betting pattern when they play Roulette. Instead of dropping chips all over the layout they prefer to make bets that cover multiple numbers along with a straight bet on a single number in hopes of grinding out small wins while allowing them to play longer. Here are two popular Roulette betting strategies for playing the inside numbers. If you are unfamiliar with the inside bets, look at this Roulette step by step.

Best roulette strategy

Double Street Quad Strategy

With this strategy, you will make wagers on two double streets along with a quad or corner bet and one straight up number. By using this betting pattern, you are covering 17 numbers on the layout, and there will not be more than five adjacent slots on the wheel that are not covered.

You will be wagering six chips per spin. You will put two chips on each of the double streets and one chip on the corner bet and straight number. You can select your favorite number to play straight up. I like to play the number five so here are the numbers I use.

Two chips on the double street to cover: 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15
Two chips on the double street to cover: 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33
One chip on the corner to cover: 17, 18, 20, 21
One chip on the number 5. (You can pick your favorite number, but it should be one that is not covered by one of your other bets.)

The Pay Off

The double street pays 5 to 1. You have two chips on it, so you will collect ten chips if the ball lands on one of the numbers covered by your double street bet. You will have a profit of six chips. (You will lose four chips. Two from your other double street and one from your quad bet and one from your straight up bet.)

The Corner/Quad bet pays 8 to 1. If the ball lands on one of these four numbers you will have a profit of three chips. (You will lose four chips on the double street wagers and one chip on the straight number.)

The straight up number pays 35 to 1. If the ball lands on your number you will have a profit of 30 chips. (You will lose four chips on the double street wagers and one chip on the corner bet.)

Five Quad Strategy

With this strategy, you will make five quad/corner bets along with a single straight up number. With this betting pattern, you are covering 21 numbers on the layout. If you select a straight up number that is included in one of your corner bets, you will only be covering 20 numbers. You will put a single chip on each of the following corner bets:
5, 6, 8, 9
10, 11, 13, 14
17, 18, 20, 21
25, 26, 28, 29
32, 33, 35, 36
Bet one chip on your favorite straight number.

Blackjack Strategy Chart

The quad bet pays 8 to 1 so if the ball lands on one the numbers in any of you quad bets you will collect will make a profit of three chips. You collect eight but lose four on your other quad bets and one on your straight up bets.
The straight up number pays 35 to 1. If the ball lands on your number you will have a profit of 30 chips. (You will lose five chips on the five corner bet.)

Final Tips

Winning Roulette Strategy Systems

Roulette Strategy Chart

Roulette Strategy Chart

Both of these strategies are designed to extend your time at the table. You will not get rich as you are only grinding out small profits on each winning spin. If you want to try for a bigger win, you can add one chip to the bet that wins in hopes of having repeating numbers. You can also vary the specific numbers that you use for the double street or corner bets. Experiment with your own betting patterns. You won’t get rich, but you will have fun. One final tip is always to try to play at a full table. This will slow the game down and reduce the time your money is at risk while increasing your comp time.