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Regole Poker Texas Hold'em Full Batte Colore


Poker first emerged in America in the early 1800's. The game was first played in New Orleans, and from there spread north and north west along the Mississippi in the steam-boat saloon culture of 19th America. Many variations have emerged since that time and taken their turn in popularity including Five Card Draw, Seven Card Stud, Five Card Stud, and Omaha. Poker undoubtedly has made a recent evolutionary jump since the World Series of Poker was introduced. It has proved to be a massive hit with the media, punters, and even online poker revenues have grown exceptionally.Today major betting sites and online casino guides offer satellite tournaments where players can enter real life poker events. They even provide poker training for those who are new to the game, teaching them how to master the art of pokerbefore playing for real money.

  1. Regole Poker Texas Hold'em Full Battle Colorectal
  2. Regole Poker Texas Hold'em Full Battle Colored
  • Rispetto al Poker a 5 carte, nel poker Texano bisogna tenere a mente che il Full assume un valore superiore rispetto al Colore. Nell’Holdem, dunque, Full batte Colore. Tabella Punti Poker Americano: come si calcolano.
  • Regole sempliciotte per giocare a Poker Texas Hold'em. Regole sempliciotte per giocare a Poker Texas Hold'em. Le regole del Texas Hold'em - Duration: 11:21. PokerStrategyItalian 60,403 views.
  • Poker Texas Hold'em. Full ring – tables with 9 or 10 players. Used whenever one of the players makes a very good fold.

Number of Players

Texas Hold’em can be played by as few as 2 and as many as 10 players.

The Cards

Texas Hold’em is played with a standard deck of 52 cards. Cards rank A, K, Q, J, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2 and A where and the Ace may be counted as 1, ranking below 2 in a straight, or high, ranking above the King.

The Texas Lottery Commission will withhold the federal income taxes, as provided in the prize structure for the World Series of Poker ® Texas Hold ‘Em™ instant game, on behalf of each winner of a World Series of Poker ® “Ultimate Poker Experience ™”Trip prize and will provide each such winner a W2-G at the end of the year.

Regole Poker Texas Hold'em Full Battle Colorectal

The Objective

The objective of the game is to win the pot by either;

  • having the highest-ranking hand at the showdown, or;
  • to be the last player standing after everyone else has folded.

Deal and Play

Posting the Blinds

The game begins with two players left of the Dealer placing an initial bet. This is called ‘posting the blinds’. In Texas Hold’em there are no antes, but rather forced bets or blinds.

The player to the immediate left of the Dealer posts a small bet, called the ‘Small Blind’, which is usually equal to half the minimum bet.

The player left of the small blind, then post a bet called the ‘Big Blind’, which is equal to the minimum bet.

The Deal

Beginning with the player to the Dealer’s left, each player is dealt two cards, one at a time, face down. These are called the ‘player’s hole’ or ‘pocket cards’.

First Round of Betting

Each player will now look at their pocket cards. Beginning with the player left of the Big Blind, each player takes it in turn to bet, raise or fold. The option to check is not available at this stage. To stay in each player must either match the Big Blind or see any previous raise. This also means that the Small Blind will have to increase his/her bet to match the Big Blind or any previous raise so that at the end of the round, all players staying in have an equal number of chips in the pot. Any player who folds automatically forfeits his/her bet and cannot re-enter the betting process again.

The Flop

The Dealer then burns the top card of the deck, and deals the next three cards face up to the center of the table. This is called the ‘Flop’. These are communal cards with the idea being that a player can combine any number of his/her pocket cards, with any number of the communal cards to form a five-card Poker hand.

Beginning with the first active player in clockwise direction from the Dealer, each player takes it in turn to check, bet, raise or fold.

The Turn

The Dealer then burns the top card of the deck and deals out another card face up to the center of the table. This card is called the ‘Turn’.

Third Round of Betting

Beginning with the player to the Dealer’s left, each player takes it in turn to check, bet, raise or fold.

The River


The Dealer then burns the top card of the deck, and deals the next card face up in the center of the table. This is called the ‘River’.

The Showdown

There are now five community cards lying face up in the center of the table. Players are now able to use any number of their pocket cards in combination with any number of community cards to form their best five-card Poker hand. There is now a final found of betting, beginning with the player who was last to bet or raise, where players can check, bet, raise or fold. A player who folds forfeits his bet to the pot and cannot re-enter the betting process.


The player with the highest-ranking hand wins the pot. If two or more players have the same ranking hand, then who ever holds the highest card breaks the tie. For example, if two players hold a flush, one 7 high, the other Queen high, then the Queen high flush wins the pot. If the tie cannot be resolved in this way, then the players split the pot evenly. In some rare cases the five cards making up the board will actually be the best hand, in which case everyone left in the hand divides up the pot.

If all players fold but one, then the last player standing wins the pot but does not have to show his/her hand.

At the end of play, the deal proceeds to the left.


Texas Hold'em - Card Games Website
How to play Texas Hold'em - Card Games Heaven
Texas Hold'em: Tips and Tricks - Australian Card Games

Regole poker texas hold

All-in – 'betting' or 'calling' with all of your chips. After going 'all-in', you can't participate in the next rounds of betting for that hand. If any more bets are placed after someone calls 'all-in', a side pot is created.

Ante – chips put into the pot before a hand is dealt. 'Ante' is usually used in tournaments to speed up the game.

Back Door – a hand that is made using cards drawn from the 'turn' or 'river'. If you use both the 'turn' and 'river' cards, then your hand is called a 'Runner-Runner'.

Bad beat – losing a hand (when someone was thought to be the favorite) before or after the flop has been dealt.

Bankroll – the amount of chips that you have in your account. The size of your 'bankroll' determines how high of stakes you can bet.

Broadway – a deal that could potentially complete 'a nuts straight' (AKQJT), for example: KQ.

Big Blind – a forced bet that's placed by the player who sits to the left of the dealer. It also determines the stakes for the table, the maximum 'buy-in', and the minimum raise amount.

Big stack – a player with at least 100 BB in the cash games or that has an above average stack in the tournament.

Big stack bully – the player with the biggest stack at the table that uses it to his advantage to bully the other players

Bluff – betting with a very weak hand but implying that you have a monster hand so that you can win the pot without a showdown.

Board – all of the community cards on the table.

Button – the button (a small, round disk) is given to the player who bets last after the river is dealt (in other words, the dealer), therefore he/she has the best position at the poker table.

Buy-in – the amount of chips paid for entering the game, both in tournaments and cash games.

Call – calling the bet and putting the same amount of chips into the pot.

Calling station – a passive player that wants to see the flop and other streets as often as possible, even if his hand is very weak.

Check – if no one bets before you, you can check and pass to next player, without betting.

Check Raise – a play in which after checking on your turn, someone raises the next bet. Usually used to bait players to put more into the pot, while holding a very strong hand.

Coin flip – a situation in which both players have very similar odds of winning the hand, for example AK vs QQ.

Combo draw – drawing for multiple hands at the same time, for example: a flush and a straight.

Community cards – the cards that are face up on the table and belong to all of players.

Connectors – two cards that are one apart in rank, for example: 8 and 9.

Crying call – a desperate call when you are almost certain you have the worst hand.

Cut off – the position at the table that is to the right of the dealer. One of the last positions taken.

Dominant hand – a hand that is dominated by your opponent, usually by holding one of your outs and a higher kicker, for example: AK dominates KQ.

Donkey – a very weak player that is mostly losing.

Draw – the possibility of greatly improving your hand and creating a monster hand with certain cards that might be dealt on later streets.

Drawing Dead – a player that can't possibly improve his hand and win the pot.

Early position – usually the first three positions at the table, the worst positions to be in.

Fish – a very weak player that can only win with luck, not skill.

Flop – the first three community cards.

Flush draw – whenever a player can improve his hand to flush on the later street, he has a flush draw.

Fold – giving up the pot after a bet and mucking your cards.

Freeroll – free-to-enter tournament, a great way to build up your initial bankroll.

Freeze-out – a type of tournament without re-buys. When you lose all of your chips, you are eliminated.

Full ring – tables with 9 or 10 players.

GF – good fold. Used whenever one of the players makes a very good fold.

Regole Poker Texas Hold'em Full Battle Colored

GG – good game, a greeting used to thank others for the game.

Gutshot – a draw in which we need exactly one card to complete a straight. For example: AKQT needs one of the jacks to complete a 'broadway'.

Heads-Up – a 'one-on-one' poker game.

Isolating – raising to minimize the amount of players involved in a hand, making it more likely to able to play 'Heads-Up'

Kicker – one of the cards in your hand that isn't used to complete your hand, but it could determine whether or not you win the pot.

Late position – 'button', 'cut-off', and the position to the right of these two, which makes them the best positions the table.

Leak – making the same mistake over and over that causes a player to lose more chips in a long run.

Limp – calling the 'big blind', a very passive play.

Loose – a term used to describe a player that plays a lot of hands, even the weak ones.

Maniac – an overly aggressive player.

Middle position – one of the middle positions at the table.

Monster – very strong hand that is a heavy favorite to win the pot.

Muck – A pile of all the folded cards, or to not show your hand at the showdown when you have been beaten.

Nh – nice hand.

Nuts – the best possible hand in certain situations.

Offsuit – pocket cards of different colors.

Open Ended Straight Draw – a hand that can complete a 'straight draw' using higher or lower sequential cards, for example: 'KQJT' can have either an 'ace' or a '9' added to them to form a 'straight draw'.

Out – a card that could come up on the table which would greatly improve your hand and let you win the pot.

Overbet – betting a very high amount that greatly exceeds the pot.

Overcards – pocket cards that are higher than any other card on the table, for example: AK with the 6,4,5 flop.


Overpair – a pocket pair that is higher than any pairs on the table, for example: JJ with the T74 flop.

Passive – a way of playing in which the player is mostly checking and calling, allowing the others to take the initiative.

Pocket Cards – two cards dealt to you by the dealer.

Pot limit – a type of poker game in which the maximum bet is the same size as the pot.

Pre-flop – the first round of betting, before the first community cards are shown.

Rags – worthless cards, usually after the flop or during later streets.

Rainbow – community cards that are different colors and make it impossible to form a 'flush draw'.

Re-raise – raising a raise. A very aggressive tactic, usually used when a player has a strong hand.

Rebuy – adding chips to your stack after losing some.

River – the final and fifth community card.

Satellite – a tournament in which the prizepool are tickets to better tournaments.

Short stack – a player who doesn't have very many chips at the table.

Showdown – the final stage of the game, when players reveal their cards to determine the winner.

Sit and go – a tournament that begins when the required amount of players registers.

Sit out – taking a break from the game.

Short handed – tables with a maximum of 6 players.

Slowplay – a passive play used by a player with a very strong hand to bait other players into putting more in the pot and to get more value.

Small Blind – a forced bet, equal to half of a 'big blind', placed by player to the right of the player who executed a 'big blind'.

Suited – pocket cards of the same suit. For example: AJ of diamonds.

Suited connectors – connectors of the same suit, for example: the 8,9 of clubs.

Stack – the amount of chips you have on the table.

Steal – raising from a late position with a weak hand to force 'blinds' to fold.

Straight draw – a hand that can be improved to form a 'straight'.

Tight – a way of playing where the player 'raises' and 'calls' with only strong hands and folds his/her weak ones. This is one of the most effective strategies.

Tilt – a player's mental state after losing one or more hands in a very unlucky way. Having the 'tilt' can cause you to play much worse and taking a break to cool off is strongly advised.

Top Pair Top Kicker – a hand in which you have the possible pair on the table with the best kicker. For example: AJ on J28 flop.

Turn – the fourth card put on the table by the dealer.

Ty – thank you.


Under The Gun – the first player to act 'pre-flop'.

Underdog – a hand that is dominated by another hand and has very low odds of winning. For example: KK vs AA.

Value bet – a bet in which the goal is to increase the size of a pot and take more chips from other players while holding a very strong hand.

Wheel – the lowest straight possible: A2345.

WP – well played.