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5 Hand Draw Poker Rules


Five Card Stud is one of the classic old poker games that is preferred by poker veterans. This game is often found at home poker games as opposed to casinos or online poker sites. Five card stud has a lot of tradition, and was the influence for many of the present day poker games such as Texas Hold'em and Omaha poker. This article will look at the history of five card stud, the full rules of the game, and the present day presence of the 5 card stud poker game.

Objective of Five Card Stud

General Poker Rules The dealer changes to the left each hand. The person to the right of the dealer cuts the cards after they are shuffled. Ideally Poker is played with 5, 6 or 7 players.

Fixed Limit Five Card Draw poker allows a maximum of four bets in each round - a bet, a raise, a re-raise and a cap. After the cap (the third raise in a betting round), no more betting is allowed. In Pot Limit games, there can be an unlimited number of bets and raises. Where to Play 5 Card Draw? Below you will find all of the most commonly used rules for playing Five Card Draw. The game is simple: make the best 5-card poker hand possible after one draw, and bet accordingly. The player with the best hand after the second betting round takes the pot. Blinds and Antes. There are two main ways to play 5-Card Draw: 1. Whether you play it in the form of a tournament or as a ring-game, the basic poker rules and the hand rankings don't change. Seven-card stud, and five-card draw. Five card draw is the original way to play the game of poker and one of the easiest. It's the perfect option for a casual poker night and can be played as long as you like. With just a few tips and a review of the basic rules, you and your friends can be playing in a matter of minutes.

Five Card Stud players have one goal in mind: to win the money in the middle of the table. There are two ways to do this - either by betting enough to scare everyone else out of the hand, or by having the best five card poker hand at the showdown. To become a winning player you should always maximize your betting when you have a good hand, and minimize your losses when you have a bad hand. Read on to learn the full rules of the game.

Structure of Five Card Stud

Five Card Stud is typically played at a table with a maximum of nine players. The game starts with each player making a forced bet, called the 'ante'. This ensures that each pot has money in it. Most Five Card Draw games are played in a Fixed Limit structure, but some online poker sites also offer Pot Limit and No Limit games as well.

Tables are identified based on their betting stakes. For example, a $5/$10 Fixed Limit game would have a small bet of $5 (used on the first two rounds of betting) and a big bet of $10 (used on the last two rounds of betting). We'll explain all of this in greater depth later in the article.

Five Card Stud Rules

Ok, now we'll get into the rules, how everything is laid out, and how you actually play 5 Card Stud.

Shuffle Up and Deal

The game starts with each player posting an Ante, which is a small forced bet that is usually 1/5th-1/10th of the small bet at the table. For example, a $5/$10 fixed limit game would have an ante between $0.50 and $1. After all antes are posted, the dealer deals each player one face down card and one face up card. You deal clockwise around the table, starting with the player directly to the left of the dealer.

The Bring In

After the deal, whoever has the lowest face up card has to bet the 'bring-in', which is a forced bet made by that player. If two players have the same low face up card, the bring-in is decided by suit rankings (diamonds are best, then clubs, then hearts, then spades).

First Betting Round

After the bring-in, betting proceeds clockwise around the table. Each player has the option of calling the bring-in, completing the bet (basically a raise), or folding.

In Fixed Limit games, it's important to note that each round can only have three raises after the initial bet. The final raise is called the 'cap', and after that no other players can make a raise.

Second Betting Round

After the first betting round is completed, each player who is still in the hand receives another face up card. Whoever has the best hand showing (out of the two up cards) is the first player to act, and can either bet or check. Play proceeds around the table clockwise until everyone has either called the highest bet or folded.

Third Betting Round

The next card is dealt to each remaining player face up, and there is another betting round starting with the player with the best hand out of their three up cards. Once again, the betting round ends once every player has either folded or called the highest bet.

Fourth Betting Round

After this round, another card is dealt out face up, so every player now has one down card and four up cards. There is another betting round, and if at least two players are still in the hand there is a showdown, with the best hand winning the pot.


If the hand goes all the way to a showdown, the players both flip up their hands, and the best five card poker hand wins. If you've never played poker before, here are the hand rankings:

Hand Rank:Hand:Example Hand:
#1Straight FlushT-J-Q-K-A of the same suit
#2Four of a KindA-A-A-A-K
#3Full HouseK-K-K-Q-Q
#4Flush2-6-8-9-A of the same suit
#5Straight5-6-7-8-9 Off Suit
#6Three of a KindJ-J-J-4-8
#7Two PairJ-J-K-K-A
#8One PairA-A-8-7-4
#9High CardA-K-5-4-3

Fixed Limit vs. Pot Limit

Although Fixed Limit and Pot Limit have the same game structure, the betting structure is quite different. In Fixed Limit, there is a rigid betting structure that determines when and how much you can bet. In Pot Limit, the betting is only capped at the pot size, and there aren't really any other restrictions.

Fixed Limit Five Card Draw poker allows a maximum of four bets in each round - a bet, a raise, a re-raise and a cap. After the cap (the third raise in a betting round), no more betting is allowed. In Pot Limit games, there can be an unlimited number of bets and raises.

Where to Play 5 Card Stud?

Not many sites offer Five Card Stud, but we took the time to find all of the best 5 card stud sites. That page lists each site and their advantages, but if you'd like to quickly sign up to the best 5 card stud site, check out TitanPoker.com. They aren't USA friendly, so if you'd like to find a USA friendly site with 5 card stud, head to the link above.

If your a USA player, check this page for a list of US friendly poker rooms with Five Card Stud

History of 5 Card Stud

Five Card stud was the earliest form of the stud poker game, and actually originated during the Civil War in America. It was popular among soldiers who would use the game to pass time at their war camps. Since then, it has diminished in popularity, but saw a resurgence in the 1970's during the early World Series of Poker tournaments that were held that decade.

Five card stud was a side event during the 1971-1974 WSOP events, and all four of those 5 Stud tournaments were won by Bill Boyd (he won a total of $80,000 for his efforts in those tournaments). After the 1974 WSOP, 5 card stud was dropped due to a lack of popularity, and it hasn't made an appearance in any WSOP tournaments since.

Besides the WSOP, 5 card stud made an appearance in the poker movie, The Cincinnati Kid, and was the game of choice for the showdown between the 'the Kid' and 'the Man'. Since then, Five Card Stud has slightly fallen off, and is only found at a few online poker sites, and very few live casinos.

Five Card Stud Variations

5 Hand Draw Poker Rules

Besides normal five card stud, there are a few variations that are different poker games but based on the same format. Here they are:

Canadian Stud

Canadian Stud is played exactly the same as five card stud, but with the introduction of two new hand rankings. First of all, four card straights count as a poker hand. They're ranked higher than a pair, but less than two pair. Also, four card flushes are another poker hand. These are ranked better than a four card straight, but less than two pair.

Two Down/Three Up

This game is the same as normal stud, but instead of having four down cards and one up card, you have two down cards and three up cards. The first two cards each player is dealt are face down, and the next three are dealt face up.

Other Poker Games:

5-card draw originated in the wild west in the very early 19th century, perhaps earlier. It's debatable whether it could be called 5-card 'draw' at this stage since no drawing actually occurred. Each player was simply dealt 5-cards followed by a round of betting. The game was also played with a 20-card deck as opposed to the modern 52-card deck. Hand rankings were the same except straights and flushes did not yet exist.
It wasn't until 1820 or so that the 52-card deck was used to play the game. This allowed more players to play at one time. Straights and flushes were added along with the opportunity to 'draw' further cards. The option to draw caused a huge surge in popularity and it quickly became the most commonly played poker game in America. It wasn't until the turn of the 20th century that 5-card draw was overshadowed in popularity by 7-card stud, and now in more recent years by Texas Hold'em.
5 card draw is still somewhat popular in home games due to its simplicity and can also be found on online gaming sites such as Pokerstars.

The Objective

Naturally like all poker variants the objective is to win our opponent's chips. In a cash game these chips have a monetary value and can be exchanged for real money after the game is over. In a tournament the objective is to be the last player standing with all the chips.

The Rules

5 Hand Draw Poker Rules
5-card draw is most commonly played as a short-handed game due to the number of cards in a deck. With only 52 cards it can get complicated trying to play with 10 players. If no-one folds and one player wants to draw 5-fresh cards the game will simply not work. It's possible to run into similar difficulties even 6-handed but they can be solved very easily.
  • Position - Position is essentially exactly the same as in no-limit-hold'em. There is a dealer button which moves clockwise around the table and indicates the relative positions of the players. The BTN is the strongest position and is always the last to act postflop. The blinds are last to act preflop but always first to act postflop. The blinds make a mandatory payment before the hand starts known as “blinds”.
  • The Deal - Each player at the table is dealt 5-cards which they show no-one. In a home-game the player with the dealer button is the one who deals and he deals starting with the player on his left in a clockwise motion.
Before any drawing takes a place a round of betting occurs. The SB is first to act each round and the BTN is last.
  • The Draw - Once all the betting has taken place, players still involved in the hand (i.e didn't fold) have the opportunity to discard any of their existing cards and replace them with fresh cards from the deck. This again occurs in a clockwise motion based on the position at the table. Assuming a player wishes to keep all of his current cards he has the option to 'stand pat', which means he does not discard or draw any additional cards.
  • Final Round - Once the drawing stage is complete players have an additional opportunity to bet based on the strength of their hand. Once all bets are complete players see a showdown. Each player reveals the strength of their hand and the strongest hand takes the pot.

Hand Rankings

Hand rankings are the same as in NLHE, from weakest to strongest,
  • High-Card
  • Pair
  • Two-Pair
  • Three-of-a-Kind
  • Straight
  • Flush
  • Full-House
  • Four-of-a-kind
  • Straight-Flush
  • Royal-Flush


There are a few different variants of 5-card draw that are commonly played.
  • Betting-Structure – Five card draw is commonly played both as a fixed-limit game and a no-limit game. There is no reason it could not be played with other betting structures also.
  • Triple Draw – Why draw once when you can draw three times? Triple draw is the same as single-draw apart from there are a total of 4-streets of betting as opposed to just 2. The triple draw variant is in some ways more similar to NLHE where we have a round of preflop betting followed by an additional 3 streets of betting. Players may find this variant more exciting since it's more likely that they successfully complete some of their draws.
5 Hand Draw Poker Rules
  • Stripped Deck – Five-card draw is sometimes played with a stripped deck containing only the high-cards between Seven and Ace. It is also played with the cards ranging from Six to Ace. Since there are less cards of each suit the probability of making a flush goes down while the probability of making a full-house goes up. As a result it is common for a flush to beat a full-house in this variant.
  • 2-7 single/triple draw – This is the lowball version of 5-card draw. The action occurs in exactly the same way as the high-hand version of the game but hand strengths are measured using the the low-hand ranking system where the strongest hand is A,2,3,4,5.
Similar to stud there are a huge amount of additional variants that can be played. To name a few -
  • Acey Ducy – Same as regular 5-card draw for the most part. Players may draw 3 cards, four if they hold an Ace. At showdown Aces and Deuces are wild meaning they can be used as a substitute for any other card. So for example 56782 is actually a straight.
  • Assassin – At the discard stage if players discard any 2's (discard them face up), they will receive an extra card for a total of 6 or more. At showdown if a player has a two still in his hand he will automatically lose (unless everyone folds).
  • Red and Black – Same as regular 5-card-draw but with a different ranking system. Each card is assigned a number of points which is calculated into a total. Broadways are worth 10, Aces are worth 1, and every other card is worth its face value in points. However, red cards are worth a positive amount of points while black cards are worth a negative amount of points.
  • Ruin Your Neighbor – Before showdown each player must pass one card to the player on their left.
  • Trees – Instead of drawing as usual, players may trade cards with each other until no-one wants to trade anymore. No information may be given regarding the cards traded except for the number of cards up for trade. After trading is over the 2nd round of betting takes place, followed by the showdown.
  • Slippery Elmer – A variant with 3 betting rounds as opposed to 2 or 4 which are the most common. After the draw, players bet as normal. A card from the deck is placed face-up in the middle of the table to indicate which card will be treated as wild. Another round of betting takes place before the showdown.


In most 5-card draw games there will be enough cards for everyone depending on the number or players. However there is always the chance that there are simply not enough cards left in the deck for everyone to draw the amount of cards they would like. Players should continue to take off the deck until it is exhausted (although in some casinos the bottom card is not dealt just in case it has been seen by a certain player).
Once the deck is depleted, the next player to draw can take his cards randomly from those discarded by previous players. The dealer will likely shuffle these cards, along with the bottom card of the deck (and any burn cards) to create a new deck from which players can draw their replacement cards.
In some cases to help avoid deck depletion players are only allowed to draw a certain number of cards. In some games players are allowed to draw three cards unless they hold an Ace where they are allowed to draw 4-cards.
Some casinos allow a 5-card draw but request the player initially draws only 4-cards and then receives his final card after all other players have completed their draw. Card depletion is more of an issue in home games where players are more likely to stick around for the draw. In higher level games more preflop folding occurs and card depletion is way less of an issue.

Why You Should Play 5-card Draw?

There is a reason why this was one of the most popular poker variants. It's a simple and fun game to learn, especially for non poker-players. Explaining no-limit-hold'em to a friend can be a little complex, whereas 5-card draw is extremely simple to grasp. It's an excellent game for learning how to read the strength of poker hands.
There is also some interesting psychology to the game of 5-card draw. While it may at first seem a very simple game where we try to draw strong hands, there is an element of hand-reading involved. While we may not see any cards to make deductions from, we do see how many cards our opponent draws each round which can help us to guess what type of hand he is holding. We also can attempt to misguide thinking opponents by the number of cards that we draw ourselves.

5 Hand Draw Poker Rules Step By Step

Similar to NLHE we also want to spend time analyzing our opponents' actions and looking for trends. Perhaps he likes to bluff too much, or perhaps he never bluffs. This is information that we can exploit.
Since 5-card draw is often played casually there are plenty of weak opponents whom we can take money from. Many of the lower limit games online are extremely passive. Most players try to limp preflop in order to see a flop, and we can exploit this, especially if we have position.

5 Hand Draw Poker Rules Card Game

5-card Draw Tips

5 Hand Draw Poker Rules How To Play

  • Don't Limp. If you want to play a hand come in for a raise. The only exception is the small-blind where it is OK to complete and the big-blind where it is OK to check-back.
  • Be careful drawing to straights and flushes, we usually don't get the correct price
  • The most standard draw is to hold on to a pair and draw an additional 3 cards to make three-of-a-kind
  • The strength of our pair does matter. Be careful playing TTxxx and lower, these are referred to as “shorts”.
  • We should use the amount of cards our opponent draws to help us hand-read
  • Always take note of opponent's tendencies, do they like to bluff etc
  • Be mindful of position. We should open a much stronger range of hands from UTG than BTN.